Source code for console.ascii4

    ascii4 - "Þe Auld" Four-Column ASCII Table, FTW!
from console import fg, bg, fx, defx
from console.detection import get_theme
from console.utils import make_hyperlink

ASCII_MODE = 1  # TODO: rm these

_wp_base_url = ''
# help styles
_d, n =, fx.end  # digit, normal
_bd = fx.bold + _d      # bold and/or bright digit
_i = fx.italic
_kb = fx.reverse  # keyboard

_help_text = __doc__ + f'''
    This four-column table (of thirty-two rows each) helps better illustrate
    relationships between characters and control codes:

        • To find the binary representation of a character, concatenate the
          two digit group code above its column, with its five digit row code:

          {_i}Optional 8th bit{n}{_d}0{n}  {_bd}10{n}  {_d}01000{n}{_d}0{_bd}10{n}{_d}01000{n}
                     {_i}Group code{n} ↗      ↑ {_i}Row code{n}{_i}Full byte, aka "H"{n}

        • To generate a control code, a key is pressed then AND-ed with the
          control key group code of 00, forcing the sixth and seventh bits
          to zero.  This is why, for example:

{_i}BEL{n}, the Bell may be activated with {_kb}^G{n} {_i}(column to right){n}
{_i}BS{n}, the Backspace key is represented by {_kb}^H{n}
{_i}ESC{n}, the Escape key is represented by {_kb}^[{n} etc.

        • This is also why one can add 32/20h to the index of a capital to
          find the corresponding lower case letter.

        link                Add hyperlinks to special characters.
        no-headers          Skip informative headers.
        unicode_symbols     Use symbols instead of names for control-chars.

        The listing in this format is relatively tall and it is therefore
        difficult to see everything at once on terminals under ~thirty-two
        lines in height. The standard eight-column "ascii" command for
        Unix-likes is recommended under shorter terminals when a complete view
        is desired.

# A range of 0…128, rendered in a table with four columns of 32 rows
index_table = (
    ( 0, 32, 64,  96),
    ( 1, 33, 65,  97),
    ( 2, 34, 66,  98),
    ( 3, 35, 67,  99),
    ( 4, 36, 68, 100),
    ( 5, 37, 69, 101),
    ( 6, 38, 70, 102),
    ( 7, 39, 71, 103),
    ( 8, 40, 72, 104),
    ( 9, 41, 73, 105),
    (10, 42, 74, 106),
    (11, 43, 75, 107),
    (12, 44, 76, 108),
    (13, 45, 77, 109),
    (14, 46, 78, 110),
    (15, 47, 79, 111),
    (16, 48, 80, 112),
    (17, 49, 81, 113),
    (18, 50, 82, 114),
    (19, 51, 83, 115),
    (20, 52, 84, 116),
    (21, 53, 85, 117),
    (22, 54, 86, 118),
    (23, 55, 87, 119),
    (24, 56, 88, 120),
    (25, 57, 89, 121),
    (26, 58, 90, 122),
    (27, 59, 91, 123),
    (28, 60, 92, 124),
    (29, 61, 93, 125),
    (30, 62, 94, 126),
    (31, 63, 95, 127),

ctrl_symbols = (
    ('00000', 'NUL', '␀', 'Null_character'),
    ('00001', 'SOH', '␁', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#SOH'),
    ('00010', 'STX', '␂', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#STX'),
    ('00011', 'ETX', '␃', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#ETX'),
    ('00100', 'EOT', '␄', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#EOT'),
    ('00101', 'ENQ', '␅', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#ENQ'),
    ('00110', 'ACK', '␆', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#ACK'),
    ('00111', 'BEL', '␇', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#BEL'),
    ('01000', 'BS',  '␈', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#BS'),
    ('01001', 'HT',  '␉', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#HT'),
    ('01010', 'LF',  '␊', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#LF'),
    ('01011', 'VT',  '␋', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#VT'),
    ('01100', 'FF',  '␌', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#FF'),
    ('01101', 'CR',  '␍', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#CR'),
    ('01110', 'SO',  '␎', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#SO'),
    ('01111', 'SI',  '␏', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#SI'),
    ('10000', 'DLE', '␐', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#DLE'),
    ('10001', 'DC1', '␑', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#DC1'),
    ('10010', 'DC2', '␒', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#DC2'),
    ('10011', 'DC3', '␓', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#DC3'),
    ('10100', 'DC4', '␔', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#DC4'),
    ('10101', 'NAK', '␕', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#NAK'),
    ('10110', 'SYN', '␖', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#SYN'),
    ('10111', 'ETB', '␗', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#ETB'),
    ('11000', 'CAN', '␘', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#CAN'),
    ('11001', 'EM',  '␙', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#EM'),
    ('11010', 'SUB', '␚', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#SUB'),
    ('11011', 'ESC', '␛', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#ESC'),
    ('11100', 'FS',  '␜', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#FS'),
    ('11101', 'GS',  '␝', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#GS'),
    ('11110', 'RS',  '␞', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#RS'),
    ('11111', 'US',  '␟', 'C0_and_C1_control_codes#US'),
    (None,    ' ',   '␠', 'Space_(punctuation)'),
    (None,    'DEL', '␡', 'Delete_character'),  # aka index -1

[docs]class SilentString(str): # Used when output is redirected. Shouldn't be necessary, but here we are. def __call__(self, source): # shaddup a ya face! return source
# TODO, separate building from printing print_ascii_chart.__doc__ = _help_text