.. console - Comprehensive utility library for ANSI terminals.
.. © 2018-2025, Mike Miller - Released under the LGPL, version 3+.
This module contains cross-platform utility and convenience functions for
use under ANSI-compatible terminals.
It is focused on Operating System Command (OSC) functionality and includes
a few screen-based convenience functions.
See also:
- `getpass <https://docs.python.org/3/library/getpass.html>`_
import logging
import re
import sys, os
from time import sleep
from urllib.parse import quote
from itertools import zip_longest, chain
from . import ansi_capable as _ansi_capable
from .constants import OSC, ST, _MODE_MAP, _TITLE_MODE_MAP
from .screen import sc
from .detection import (get_size, is_a_tty, os_name, _read_clipboard,
from .meta import defaults
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ansi_csi0_finder = re.compile(r'\x1b\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]')
ansi_csi1_finder = re.compile(r'\x9b[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]')
ansi_osc0_finder = re.compile(r'\x1b\].*?(\a|\x1b\\)')
ansi_osc1_finder = re.compile(r'\x9b.*?(\a|\x9d)')
def clear_line(mode=2):
''' Clear the current line.
mode: int | str
| 0 | 'forward' | 'right' - Clear cursor to end of line.
| 1 | 'backward' | 'left' - Clear cursor to beginning of line.
| 2 | 'full' - Clear entire line.
Returns: text sequence to be written, for testing.
Cursor position does not change.
text = sc.clear_line(_MODE_MAP.get(mode, mode))
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text
def clear_lines(lines: int, mode=2):
''' Clear the given number of lines above.
lines: - number of lines above to clear.
mode: int | str
| 0 | 'forward' | 'right' - Clear cursor to end of line.
| 1 | 'backward' | 'left' - Clear cursor to beginning of line.
| 2 | 'full' - Clear entire line.
Returns: text sequence to be written, for testing.
mode = _MODE_MAP.get(mode, mode)
erase_cmd = sc.clear_line(mode)
up_cmd = sc.move_up(1)
commands = []
for line in range(lines):
text = ''.join(commands)
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text
def clear_screen(mode=2):
''' Clear the terminal/console screen. (Also aliased to clear.)
mode: int | str
| 0 | 'forward' - Clear cursor to end of screen, cursor stays.
| 1 | 'backward' - Clear cursor to beginning of screen, ""
| 2 | 'full' - Clear entire visible screen, cursor to 1,1.
| 3 | 'history' - Clear entire visible screen and scrollback
buffer (xterm).
Returns: text sequence to be written, for testing.
text = sc.clear(_MODE_MAP.get(mode, mode))
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text
def flash(seconds=.1):
''' Flash screen, i.e. turn on reverse video and back again, given a delay
in floating-point seconds. Useful as a visible bell.
seconds: float - how long to wait in reverse video
Returns: text sequence to be written, for testing.
if _ansi_capable:
print(sc.enable_flash, end='', flush=True)
print(sc.disable_flash, end='', flush=True)
return sc.enable_flash + sc.disable_flash # for testing
def get_clipboard(source='c', encoding='utf8',
max_bytes=defaults.MAX_CLIPBOARD_SIZE, timeout=.2):
''' Read string or byte data from the clipboard.
source: (int | str) of {c, p, q, s, 0-7}
(clipboard, primary, secondary, selection, buffers 0-7)
encoding: str - decode to unicode or pass None for bytes.
max_bytes: int - minor impediment to sending too much text.
timeout: float - seconds give up if answer not received in time.
Returns: data found
Works on xterm, hterm, not many other terminals.
''' # functionality in detection module:
if _ansi_capable:
return _read_clipboard(source=source, encoding=encoding,
max_bytes=max_bytes, timeout=timeout)
def make_hyperlink(target, caption=None, icon='',
_max_url_len=defaults.MAX_URL_LEN, _max_val_len=defaults.MAX_VAL_LEN,
''' Returns a terminal hyperlink, given a link and caption text.
target: str. Link to the destination, 'http://foo.bar/baz'
caption: str | None
Optional descriptive text, defaults to target, e.g.
'Clicken Sie hier!'
icon: str Add link icon to end of text, e.g. icon='🔗'
params: str: str
Optional key word args, to be formatted as:
(See note below.)
_max_url_len, _max_val_len: spec recommendations, see meta.py
Returns: text sequence to be written, caption, or empty string.
from console import fg, fx
from console.utils import make_hyperlink
link = make_hyperlink('ftp://ftp.netscape.com/…/navigator.tar.gz',
'Blast from the past!')
link_style = fg.blue + fx.underline
print(link_style(link)) # full effect https://youtu.be/BPcr1EDohiQ
This function doesn't print the escape sequence so it may be styled
more easily.
Experimental, see below for details:
if _ansi_capable:
SAFE_CHARS = ( # ''.join([ chr(n) for n in range(32, 126) ])
' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
# sanity & security checks
if caption is None:
caption = target
if params:
tokens = []
for key, val in params.items():
if len(val) > _max_val_len:
val = val[:_max_val_len]
for char in val:
if char in ('=', ':', ';'):
raise ValueError(f'illegal chars in val: {key}={val!r}')
params = ':'.join(tokens)
if len(target) > _max_url_len: # security limits
target = target[:_max_url_len]
target = quote(target, safe=SAFE_CHARS) # url encode
return f'{OSC}8;{params or ""};{target}{ST}{caption}{icon}{OSC}8;;{ST}'
else: # don't bother if redirected and/or ANSI disabled.
return caption or ''
def make_line(string='─', width=0, color=None, center=False, _fallback=80):
''' Build a header-rule style line, using Unicode characters.
string A character or short string to repeat.
color A color name to assign to the line, defaults to dim.
width How long the line should be in characters,
defaults (zero) to full width of terminal.
center If a specific width is given, center it between spaces.
New lines are handled by the caller.
If the default width of the terminal is used,
or center is given, no newline is necessary.
auto_width = width < 1
columns = get_size((_fallback, 0)).columns # _fallback supports testing
if auto_width:
width = columns
line = string * width
if len(string) > 1: # truncate line length if multi-char string
line = line[:width]
if center:
if auto_width: # manual width not set
raise RuntimeError('center option needs a valid width.')
num_spaces = (columns - width) // 2 # floor
spacing = ' ' * num_spaces
line = spacing + line + spacing
# if result is short from floor, we'll need another space
if len(line) != columns:
line += ' '
if _ansi_capable:
from . import fg, fx
if color:
line = getattr(fg, color)(line)
line = fx.dim(line)
return line
def make_sized(text, double=True, wide=False):
''' Returns a sequence to print wide and/or double-sized text.
Pertains to the whole line, doesn't reset to normal until a newline
text The text to change size.
double Use the double-sized font.
wide Use the double-wide font.
- DEC sequences supported on xterm and Konsole, possibly others.
- Double text is also wide so both options together are redundant.
Wide therefore takes precedence.
result = text
if _ansi_capable and _sized_char_support:
if wide:
result = f'\x1b#6{text}' # DECDWL
elif double:
result = f'\x1b#3{text}\n\x1b#4{text}' # DECDHL, DECDHL
return result
def measure(start=1, limit=200, offset=0, newlines=True):
''' Returns a ruler-style line of measurement across the width of the
terminal. Each column number should be read top down::
# ↓ Column 124
start The number to start with, e.g. 0 or 1
limit The column to limit to or end at.
offset Number of spaces to push to the right.
newlines Whether to insert newlines after each line.
Not strictly needed but helps when the window is
cromulently embiggened.
This function for debugging, few apps will need it.
from . import fg, bg, fx
width = min(limit, get_size().columns)
evn_style = fg.i236 + bg.i244
odd_style = fg.i244 + bg.i236
results = []
for i in range(start, width + start):
digits = str(i)
styled_digits = []
for j, digit in enumerate(digits):
# style digit
if not i % 10: # mult of 10
digit = fx.reverse(digit)
elif i % 2: # odd
digit = odd_style(digit)
else: # even
digit = evn_style(digit)
if newlines:
# transpose and concatenate
results = zip_longest(*results, fillvalue=' ')
if offset:
offset = ' ' * offset
return ''.join(chain.from_iterable( # prepend each line with offset
chain(offset, result) for result in results
return ''.join(chain.from_iterable(results))
def notify_message(message, title=''):
''' Notify the user with the given message. EXPERIMENTAL
message: str
title: str rxvt-unicode only.
Returns: text sequence to be written, for testing.
iterm2, rxvt with plugin, kitty
if os.environ.get('TERM', '').startswith('rxvt'):
code = '777'
message = f'notify;{title};{message};'
else: # iterm2 style
code = '9'
text = f'{OSC}{code};{message}{ST}'
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text
if os_name == 'nt':
def notify_cwd(path=None):
''' Notify the terminal of the current working directory. EXPERIMENTAL
path: str
Returns: text sequence to be written, for testing.
if not path:
path = os.getcwd()
text = f'{OSC}9;9;"{path}"{ST}'
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text
def notify_progress(value=None, error=False, indeterminate=False, paused=False):
''' Notify the terminal and user of the current progress,
via the desktop taskbar. EXPERIMENTAL
value: int 0-100, A value of 0 or 100 will disable the progress
Outside this range will set error mode.
error: bool Set explicitly.
indeterminate: bool Set explicitly.
paused: bool Set explicitly.
Returns: text sequence to be written, for testing.
Currently known to be useful only on Windows.
Conflicts with iterm2 use of OSC9 for notifications.
if error: # error
mode = ERROR # Danger Will Robinson!
value = 99
elif indeterminate:
value = 0
elif paused:
mode = PAUSED
elif value in (0, 100):
mode = CLEAR
value = 0
elif value < 0 or value > 100: # error
mode = ERROR # Danger!
value = 99 # paint full bar red, 2 bytes
text = f'{OSC}9;4;{mode};{value}{ST}'
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text
def notify_cwd(path=None):
''' Notify the terminal of the current working directory. EXPERIMENTAL
path: str, do not url encode.
Returns: text sequence to be written, for testing.
if not path:
path = os.getcwd()
# encode as path as an url
scheme = 'file://'
if not path.startswith(scheme):
path = scheme + path
path = quote(path)
text = f'{OSC}7;{path}{ST}'
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text
def notify_progress(*args, **kwargs):
''' Function not implemented. '''
raise NotImplementedError('only available on Windows.')
def reset_terminal():
''' Reset the terminal/console screen. (Also aliased to cls.)
Greater than a fullscreen terminal clear, also clears the scrollback
buffer. May expose bugs in dumb terminals.
if os_name == 'nt':
from .windows import cls
text = sc.reset
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text # for testing
def set_clipboard(data, destination='c', encoding='utf8',
''' Write string or byte data to the clipboard.
data: str | bytes
destination: (int | str) of {c, p, q, s, 0-7}
(clipboard, primary, secondary, selection, buffers 0-7)
encoding: str - if string is passed, encode to bytes
max_bytes: int minor impediment to sending too much text.
Returns: text sequence to be written or None, for testing.
Works on xterm, not many other terminals.
if _ansi_capable:
if len(data) > max_bytes:
raise RuntimeError(f'clipboard data too large! ({len(data)} bytes)')
from base64 import b64encode
if isinstance(data, str):
data = data.encode(encoding)
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
raise TypeError('data was not string or bytes: %s' % type(data))
# all this needs to be in bytes
payload = b64encode(data)
envelope = f'{OSC}52;{destination};%b{ST}'.encode('ascii')
text = envelope % payload
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/908440/450917
if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer'): # slightly more direct route
# bytes --> unicode --> bytes :-/
print(text.decode('ascii'), end='', flush=True)
return text
def set_title(title, mode=0):
''' Set the title of the terminal window/tab/icon.
title: str
mode: | 0 | 'both' - Set icon/taskbar and window/tab title
| 1 | 'icon' - Set only icon/taskbar title
| 2 | 'title' - Set only window/tab title
Returns: text sequence to be written or None, for testing.
if os_name == 'nt':
from .windows import set_title
set_title(title) # returns a status code, not a string
text = f'{OSC}{_TITLE_MODE_MAP.get(mode, mode)};{title}{ST}'
if _ansi_capable:
print(text, end='', flush=True)
return text
def strip_ansi(text, c1=False, osc=False):
''' Strip ANSI escape sequences from a portion of text.
line: str
c1: bool - include C1 based commands in the strippage.
osc: bool - include OSC commands in the strippage.
Returns: stripped text
Enabling both C1 and OSC stripping is less efficient and the two
options can mildly conflict with one another.
The less problematic order was chosen,
but there may still be rare C1/OSC fragments left over.
text = ansi_csi0_finder.sub('', text)
if osc:
text = ansi_osc0_finder.sub('', text)
if c1:
text = ansi_csi1_finder.sub('', text) # go first, less destructive
if osc:
text = ansi_osc1_finder.sub('', text)
return text
def len_stripped(text):
''' Convenience - returns the length of a string minus escape sequences.
Useful to find if a string will fit inside a given length on screen.
return len(strip_ansi(text))
# shortcuts for convenience, compatibility:
clear = clear_screen
cls = reset_terminal # like DOS
# -- wait key implementations ------------------------------------------------
if os_name == 'nt':
from msvcrt import getwch as _get_char
elif os_name == 'posix':
from .detection import _get_char
def pause(message='Press any key to continue…', _return_key=False):
''' Analogous to the
`DOS pause <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DOS_commands#PAUSE>`_
command from olden times, with a modifiable message.
*"Where's the any key?"*
message: str
str, None: One character or ESC - depending on key hit.
None - immediately under i/o redirection, not an interactive tty.
print(message, end=' ', flush=True)
key = wait_key()
if _return_key: # for testing purposes; command shouldn't return it
return key
def wait_key(keys=None):
''' Waits for a keypress at the console and returns it.
keys - if passed, wait for this specific key, e.g. 'Q', 'ESC'.
may be a tuple.
char or ESC - depending on key hit.
None - immediately under i/o redirection, not an interactive tty.
if is_a_tty():
if keys:
if not isinstance(keys, tuple):
keys = (keys,)
while True:
key = _get_char()
if key in keys:
return key
return _get_char()